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Surreal Moments & Endings: An Interview with Craig Morgan Teicher
Craig Morgan Teicher is the editor of Little Mr. Prose Poem: Selected Poems of Russell Edson, as well as the author of several poetry collections, most recently, Welcome to Sonnetville, New Jersey. This survey of Edson's work was published by BOA Editions on October 25, 2022. Craig Morgan Teicher calls us to witness Edson’s obsessions with the curious, the absurd, and the peculiar, and the ways in which they can haunt our daily lives. The prose poems in this collection mold our everyday into something extraordinary and unsettling. Edson is a vital and ever-contemporary poet with a unique moral and comedic vision, whose literary career...
- Categories: Author Interviews/Articles, BOA Classics, interview, New Books
Celebrate Women's History Month With These BOA Titles!
As Women’s History Month comes to a close, check out some of the amazing recent BOA titles written by women! Below you’ll find a mix of poems and book descriptions to pique your interest and get you excited to read (or re-read) these dynamic and heart-felt collections. Letters to a Young Brown Girl by Barbara Jane Reyes Excerpt from "Dear Brown Girl," What if I told you that you don’t have to do as you’re told. Yes, you can cut up the script they made you recite by heart with your cut up tongue. Yes, by those people, who wanted...
- Categories: BOA Classics, BOA News, Exploring the Backlist, New Books

New and Recent Releases for Black History Month and Beyond
As Black History Month comes to a close, this is your friendly reminder to read the work of Black authors year-round! Finish February or start March by snagging one of our recent or forthcoming titles below, recommended by BOA's fantastic spring 2022 intern staff! Alien Stories by E. C. Osondu Alien Stories is a dynamic interplay between the two meanings of the word alien: a person from a foreign country or a being from a foreign planet. Each story confronts some aspect of the “alien” experience—reception, culture shock, identity, stereotypes—from a diverse set of individual and historical perspectives. Osondu’s work...

BOA's 2021 Halloween Picks!
Happy Halloween! At BOA, we prefer treats over tricks, and our treat to you is this list of spooky titles to help you get into the Halloween spirit! Grab a title or two today! Caw by Michael Waters In passionate poems about sin, obsession, and mortality—an artist’s infatuation with a doll, an interspecies relationship, an ex-lover whose presence lingers in recipes, ecclesiastical birds, and a sex toy holding a loved one’s ashes—Waters delivers impeccably crafted narratives infused with his signature lyrical gestures. At the book’s core is a sequence of twenty-five poems on aging, dementia, and caregiving, chiseled phrase by...
- Categories: BOA Classics, Exploring the Backlist

Fall 2021 Titles Available Now!
BOA Editions welcomes five new books to the world from our Fall 2021 Collection! Tenderness by Derrick Austin, Ceive by B.K. Fisher, Diamonds by Camille Gutherie, and A Cluster of Noisy Planets by Charles Rafferty join our American Poets Continuum Series, and Among the Elms in Ambush by Bruce Weigl continues the American Reader Series. Learn more and buy a copy below! Tenderness by Derrick Austin Winner of the Isabella Gardner Poetry Award In a country where violence and the threat of violence is a constant weather for queer Black people, where can the spirit rest? With lush language, the...
- Categories: BOA, BOA Classics, BOA Editions, BOA News