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Verse Reviews Dark Things
[caption id="attachment_331" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Charles Simic, BOA translator, with Novica Tadic, BOA author."][/caption] Another smart review from Verse! Follow the below link to read Timothy Henry's insightful review of Dark Things, poems by Novica Tadic, translated from the Serbian by Charles Simic, in which Henry says things like: "In his introduction to Novica Tadic's Dark Things, Charles Simic suggests that the reader of this haunted collection is led by “a nameless recluse, mistrustful and fearful . . . surrounded on all sides by monsters and apparitions generated by his vivid, guilt-ridden imagination.” With the guidance of this recluse, we are...
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Guest Blogger Idra Novey on Translation Myths
[caption id="attachment_323" align="alignleft" width="200" caption="The Clean Shirt of It. Poems by Paulo Henriques Britto, translated by Idra Novey."][/caption] Thanks to Idra Novey for this next installment of her guest blog series on poetry and translation! Five Poetry Translation Myths and Five Splendid Quotes to Counter Them For this week’s post on poetry translation, I thought it might be fun to pair some of the most persistent myths about translation with some quotes from my favorite writers and translators and see what they had to say to each other. Here are the results: Myth Number Five: Translation is a passive undertaking....
- Categories: Guest Bloggers
Rare BOA Titles Exclusively At Abe Books
[caption id="attachment_309" align="alignleft" width="194" caption="Rose by Li-Young Lee. 1st ed, 1st printing, hard cover, French boards. 26 signed by author."][/caption] Pardon us for stating the obvious, but: Book Lovers Love Books. And there's nothing better to a true book lover than getting their hands on that special, rare, limited edition and gorgeous book. Here at BOA we understand that delight because we love books too. Our office shelves are overflowing with classic BOA books: limited editions, signed copies, special bindings, lovingly illustrated collections... You name it, we've got what makes rare book lover's hearts go pit-a-pat. As a way of...
- Categories: BOA News
Brooklyn Rail Loves On the Winding Stair too...
[caption id="attachment_302" align="alignleft" width="201" caption="On the Winding Stair. Stories by Joanna Howard."][/caption] While we're talking about On the Winding Stair... here's another new review by John Madera for The Brooklyn Rail. Here's a taste - you can follow the below link for the complete review: "Joanna Howard’s lapidary debut On the Winding Stair is an escalier spiraling with brocaded lyricism, alternately swathed in darkness and bathed in phosphorescence. Metaphysical spaces coexist with vivid corporeality in a place where words aren’t so much modified as they are baroquely embellished, cast in irreality; we have, as in “Ghosts and Lovers,” “[t]he fantastic,...
- Categories: Book Reviews
On the Winding Stair Raves from Verse Magazine
[caption id="attachment_293" align="alignleft" width="125" caption="Joanna Howard. BOA author."][/caption] Verse magazine just published a brilliant review of On the Winding Stair by Joanna Howard. The review was written by Maria Ribas and is as sharp and insightful a read as an author (and a publisher) can hope for. Here's a sample and you can follow the link at bottom for the rest of the review: "Joanna Howard’s short stories flit about like phantoms--just as her characters are ethereal and haunting, her stories are framed by an aura of mystery and romance, with fleeting peaks of action. The 14 stories in On...
- Categories: Book Reviews