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Craig Morgan Teicher's Short Attention Span

Craig Morgan Teicher's Cradle Book is in the running for the Story Prize. The Story Prize is a distinguished annual award given to a short story collection. We hope Craig's book wins. He deserves it. While they're making their decision, the Story Prize people are running brief interviews with authors whose collections have been submitted. Craig's interview just came out and shines a little more light on his singular take on stories, fables, poems, and where Cradle Book lingers in the lands between... What is your writing process like? I write often. If I didn't, I think I'd be pretty hard to deal with....

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Poet Makuck's Work Collected

In honor of Peters Makuck's Long Lens: New & Selected Poems, has a wonderful piece about the man and his work: The publication of a "new and selected" edition of a poet's work is a high-water mark for the writer's career. It allows work from older collections that may have gone out of print to get back into circulation, and in one volume it gives a reader a sense of the writer's themes and subject matter as it evolved over the years. It's also a statement from the publisher that here is a writer whose work has passed the...

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Carpathia On Her Mind

[caption id="attachment_448" align="aligncenter" width="200" caption="Carpathia by Cecilia Woloch"][/caption] Bozena U. Zaremba writes about Cecilia Woloch in the new issue of The Cosmopolitan Review: "Petite figure, dark brown hair - lush and curly. Her slightly slanted eyes are kind, attentive and wide open to people who have come to listen to her poetry. The moment Cecilia Woloch starts to talk, the audience falls silent. This extraordinary gift of attracting people's attention immediately draws the listeners into the vibrant and powerful world of her poetic imagination. The emotional intensity, the meaning of each phrase and the rhythm of every stanza come across...

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Two BOA Authors Featured on Podcasts

On April 16th at 6:30 p.m. Keetje Kuipers was interviewed on The Moe Green Poetry Discussion with Rafael F.J. Alvarado & Brett-Candace. Keetje Kuipers Listen to hear Keetje speak about her new book, Beautiful in the Mouth, which won the A. Poulin, Jr. prize here at BOA. Keetje talks about the her writing experience and what it was like to publish her first book. Don't miss Keetje read a few poems from the book as well! Also, live on Friday, April 22nd, a rememberance of Lucille Clifton will take place on the Marc Steiner Show, broadcasting on WEAA in Baltimore,...

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Frost Medal Ceremony Tonight for Lucille Clifton

[caption id="attachment_354" align="alignleft" width="130" caption="Lucille Clifton. BOA poet. Frost Medal recipient."][/caption] As many people know, Lucille Clifton was born and raised near Buffalo, NY, so it is fitting that The Buffalo News would pay tribute to her with this beautiful article by R.D. Pohl. Lucille Clifton will posthumously receive the Poetry Society of America's Frost Medal tonight at the National Arts Club in New York City. "It will be a bittersweet celebration Thursday night at the National Arts Club on Gramercy Park South in New York City when the Poetry Society of America awards its highest honor -- The Robert...

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