Carpathia On Her Mind
[caption id="attachment_448" align="aligncenter" width="200" caption="Carpathia by Cecilia Woloch"]
Bozena U. Zaremba writes about Cecilia Woloch in the new issue of The Cosmopolitan Review:
"Petite figure, dark brown hair - lush and curly. Her slightly slanted eyes are kind, attentive and wide open to people who have come to listen to her poetry. The moment Cecilia Woloch starts to talk, the audience falls silent. This extraordinary gift of attracting people's attention immediately draws the listeners into the vibrant and powerful world of her poetic imagination. The emotional intensity, the meaning of each phrase and the rhythm of every stanza come across through her reading so forcefully that her poems assume a new, farther-reaching life. Her commentaries are brief yet telling, and Cecilia presents them only when she deems it necessary. Explaining her family roots is one of those instances."
Read the rest of the article here [Carpathia on Her Mind]

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