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Craig Morgan Teicher's Virtual Book Tour

Teicher lo res author photo Sometimes technology actually makes things harder. You send the wrong email to the wrong email list and cause mass confusion. Or else a spambot does that for you about, say, 956 times, and everyone on the list emails each other to say how upset they are, thus exponentially increasing the amount of spam everyone receives. Or maybe you forget your passcode because you have 89 of them that control every aspect of your life. Or maybe you get dumped by your sweetheart via Twitter.  Oh the (lack of) humanity!  But then again, sometimes technology is very very cool. Say a book comes out by an author who you love, but you live 3,000 miles away... or just down the block from them, but you're completely tied up with raising a family and/or flock of sheep... or the same goes for the author, and they're not able to get out and promote their book at your local bookstore... Either way, the result is the same. You wish you could hear that author discuss their book and read choice passages, but it just isn't going to happen. That's where the "cool" part of technology comes in! Witness BOA author Craig Morgan Teicher and the "Virtual Book Tour" for his new collection, Cradle Book: Stories and Fables.  Craig would love to read for you - wherever you are. He really would. But he just can't do that. It wouldn't be physically possible. He may not even know your address. So, instead, he uses the miracle of technology to beam himself right into your computer where he can share stories and chit-chat with you in the comfort of your own favorite free wi-fi zone. Here's how Craig describes the situation: "Welcome to my virtual book tour!  I wasn't able to embark on an actual book tour to promote my new collection of stories and fables, Cradle Book, just published by BOA Editions (please buy it--please, please, in print or as a Kindle E-book), so I decided I'd stage this little virtual tour, reading a few fables from various places around my house.  Here's the first stop--my favorite chair!  Each video features one fable.  Thanks for watching!" So why are you still reading this blog post? Go ahead and check out Craig's Virtual Book Tour below! [Craig Morgan Teicher's "Virtual Book Tour"]
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