BOA authors [from left]: Christopher Kennedy, Michael Waters, and Keetje Kuipers, who will peform readings at the convention.
Readers, writers, and other literary enthusiasts, take note: The NeMLA 43rd Annual Convention is set to take place March 15-18 in Rochester, NY, at the Hyatt Regency Hotel and Riverside Convention Center, downtown.
The convention is truly a literary nirvana: from poetry, play, and fiction readings, to panels, roundtables, workshops, and more – all centering on the theme of “Creative Writing and Editing” – attendees will have much to explore, learn, and treasure through the experience.
BOA Editions will play a large part in convention, occupying a significant portion of the weekend’s Schedule of Events.
A panel workshop entitled “World of the Small Press,” designed and organized by BOA Editor Peter Conners, will be held from 11:30am – 2pm Thursday, March 15. The panel will feature Conners, as well as Chad Post of Open Letter Books, and Ted Pelton of Starcherone Books, as they clue listeners into the daily life and functioning – closely-held secrets, if you will - of small presses. This is a great opportunity for listeners to learn how to start and sustain small presses, to identify ways to develop and strengthen ties with area institutions, and to better understand the interests and purposes of small presses - which could increase chances of getting published or becoming an editor. This panel is designed to meet you where your particular interests are at, so that you will leave with a concrete plan for the next steps toward your literary future. A light lunch will also be provided – an added plus!
Thursday’s convention schedule will also feature a “Welcome Reading and Reception” at 7pm, with a reading by special guest Cornelius Eady, contest judge for BOA’s A. Poulin, Jr. Poetry Prize.
In addition to the large aggregation of events for the weekend – surely to keep you busy – BOA Editions will be specially showcased on Friday afternoon, March 16, from 4:45 – 6:15pm. Readings by BOA authors Christopher Kennedy, Michael Waters, and Keetje Kuipers, will highlight the exhibition.
The Northeast Modern Language Association (NeMLA) is a scholarly organization interested in encouraging and continuing scholarly discourse among professionals of modern languages through its annual convention.
Take advantage of this opportunity to expand your understanding of small presses like BOA, to appreciate some of the quality literature of today, and to move forward in your literary endeavors.
Click here for registration information.
Click here for the convention’s Schedule of Events.