"The Presence on the Page": Constructing Reality with Ennui Prophet
[caption id="attachment_1205" align="aligncenter" width="200" caption="Ennui Prophet, prose poems by Christopher Kennedy"]
Ennui Prophet, the forthcoming collection of prose poetry by BOA Editions poet Christopher Kennedy, puts its emphasis on experiencing the written word itself, according to poet and critic Kenny Tanemura, of the Sycamore Review.
Kennedy's prose poetry is marked by motion-- according to Tanemura, his shorter poems are "fluid," "dexetrous," and "graceful."
He also says: "Left-handed guitarists, a swarm of bees, a Buddhist monk, Rasputin, Cantonese, and the F.B.I. all make cameo appearances in this collection, both in and out of context. This approach is not unlike a television actor who slips in and out of character during and interview on NPR to keep the audience members guessing as they try to thresh out reality from performance. Ennui Prophet will have the reader glued to the program as well."
The rest of the review is available at the Sycamore Review.
Ennui Prophet will be available for purchase June 1, 2011.

- Categories: Book Reviews