Two Raves for Kuipers
Beautiful in the Mouth just received two rave reviews:
One from the The Line Break which is described as a "poetry and wine blog." A poetry and wine blog? Sign us up for a lifetime subscription! You can read that review here [ Keetje Kuipers' Beautiful in the Mouth]
The other review comes courtesy of Gently Read Literature. GRL has quickly become one of our favorite review outlets - their reviews are in-depth, smart, and examine poetic concepts and approaches in ways that most reviews, quite simply, don't have the space to delve into. Read GRL's review here [Bittersweet: Lori May on Keetje Kuiper's Beautiful in the Mouth]
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While we join the chorus of those lamenting the loss of so many print review outlets, these two outstanding reviews should give us all hope - what we have lost in paper reviews, we have made up for with in-depth, insightful bloggers who are staying on top of the poetry scene.

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