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Poem of the Week: November 20, 2017

Hello readers! Every week, the BOA staff shares one of our favorite poems from our over 300 collections of poetry. This week's poem from The Moon Makes Its Own Plea by Wendy Mnookin celebrates a quintessential American holiday. Happy Thanksgiving!


One glass of wine is good for you,
Mother says. And three are too many.
No one needs to leave the table
crying. Salt takes out the stain.
Or is it sugar?

The cat meows,
plaintively, repetitively.
Come in. Go out. Outside

the boundaries are clear.
I listen hard to the hiss
of the sun's longing,
red leaves etched
by that other brilliance, sky.

Buy a copy of  The Moon Makes Its Own Plea from the BOA Bookstore.

 Get ready for the holiday season with BOA's Holiday Sale—going on now! Get 25% off all BOA Bookstore orders now through December 18th with promo code SHOPBOA!

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