Michael Waters's Celestial Joyride was recently included on My San Antonio's featured list of "new collections [that] are perfect for end-of-summer perusal."
"Summer officially ends Thursday," starts the feature, "but we all know that summer weather will linger for weeks. Here are four new poetry collections that will stay with you like the last days of summer. These poets—all published by independent imprints—carry forth the excellence of the newest poetry."
On Celestial Joyride, the review says: "Michael Waters’ autobiographical poetry looks back to memorable moments, which include his 6-year-old son: 'Is that a log or a dog? he worries. // The poem doesn’t know yet. Guess, it insists. / Meaning to animate the universe, / Dog, I wager (I always wager dog) / And on three wobbly legs the wet log lifts.' He also writes luminously, as in 'Eve’s Daughter,' cleaning windows: 'Each chamois gesture returning to glass / A certain beauty always there, but less / Obvious before this moment, the light // After seven days’ rain casting judgment // Upon all things with odd clarity: dust / Flared to meaning, your body enraptured / By the hour’s whispered solicitations. / Your flown soul unveiled will never be missed: // The glass so clean it no longer exists.'
"Waters stands among the best American poets writing today."
Click here to view My San Antonio's full list of "end-of-summer" books to read.
Celestial Joyride is available at the BOA Bookstore.