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MANDATORY EVACUATION a 'November 2016 Exemplar'

Mandatory Evacuation CoverPeter Makuck's new poetry collection, Mandatory Evacuation, has been named a "November 2016 Exemplar" by Grace Cavalieri of the Washington Independent Review of Books

According to Cavalieri, "Makuck writes as if the world is a sacred ground worth recording into poetry. His work respects nature and relationships; and if these were the last words left in his heart he could be proud. In Buddhism, the path is said to be, among other, things right speech, right action; and we could complete the precepts by saying right art because if you follow the thread through all the systems in this complex tapestry of people places things, the guiding thread is a merciful conversation. Only a poet deeply mindful could capture sequences, memories and emotions with such optical precision."

Click here to see the full list of November 2016 Exemplars.

Mandatory Evacuation is available now at the BOA Bookstore.

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