We are so pleased to announce that Dinah Cox is winner of the fourth annual
BOA Editions Short Fiction Prize for her collection
Remarkable! The collection was selected from more than 200 manuscript submissions by BOA Publisher Peter Conners. Dinah Cox will receive a $1,000 honorarium, and book publication by BOA Editions, Ltd. in spring 2016.
Of the collection, Peter Conners says: “‘The Telephone Museum is always empty.’ This single sentence, the first in Dinah Cox’s masterful story ‘Adolescence in B Flat,’ told me that this was a writer who demands close attention. It also speaks volumes about Cox’s debut collection as a whole. There is a knowing melancholy to her writing born when the arid remnants of Old West sensibility confront the sharp corners of sterile modernity. With precise detail and a poet’s ear for language, Cox reveals the psychological impact of straddling those two worlds as her characters grasp for compassion, last chances, and a foothold in an unknowable future.”
Two finalists were also selected:
The Owl That Carries Us Away by Doug Ramspeck, and
The Functions of a Story by John Vanderslice.
Dinah Cox’s stories appear and are forthcoming in such places as
Prairie Schooner,
Salt Hill,
Cream City Review,
Copper Nickel,
Beloit Fiction Journal,
Quarterly West, and elsewhere, and have won prizes from
The Atlantic Monthly and
Hayden’s Ferry Review. She teaches in the English Department at Oklahoma State University where she is also an associate editor at
Cimarron Review. She lives and works in her hometown of Stillwater, Oklahoma.
BOA Editions will accept manuscripts for the fifth annual
BOA Editions Short Fiction Prize between April 1–May 31, 2015. An entry form and $25 fee are required. Guidelines for the
2015 BOA Editions Short Fiction Prize are available on our
submissions page.
Congratulations, Dinah, and welcome to the BOA family!