All You Ask for Is Longing is like a 'dying man's last meal'
Poet Michael Dennis likens Sean Thomas Dougherty's new and selected, All You Ask for Is Longing, to "a very eloquent Charles Bukowski with some top notch Raymond Carver type editing."
In his poetry blog, Dennis highlights the eclectic mix of Dougherty's collection: "These poems are Andrew Wyeth precise and Richard Pryor sharp. There is so much to admire in this collection. Dougherty mixes it up with prose poems, list poems, it doesn't matter—at this level of excellence it is all first rate."
Showcasing such poems as "At Mike's Pub and Grub," "Dear L, The Moon is White and Blue as Ripped-up Lottery Tickets," and "Duet," Dennis says: "Dougherty's poetry has an authority that it both demands and breathes. This work gives tremendous respect to the lives of those people who shape these poems and respects the demands of the readers. Done and done."
"It is rare for me to find a poet I find so utterly pleasing to read, so completely compelled to turn the page, not wanting to leave what I've read behind. I plowed through All You Ask for Is Longing as though it were a dying man's last meal. Sean Thomas Dougherty is mining a rich vein of pure gold when so many others are playing in the dust."
Click here to read Michael Dennis' entire review of All You Ask for Is Longing.
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