The Folding Star is a stand-alone example of contemporary Polish poetry
If you were to wonder what contemporary Polish poetry is like today, Gently Read Literature would hand you The Folding Star and Other Poems (BOA, 2012), with Polish poems by Jacek Gutorow and their English tranlsations by Piotr Florczyk. "From Marcin Bielski and Jan Kochanowski to the Polish poets of today," says a review by Gently Read Literature, "the ability of poetry to deal with nearly any topic and to especially tell little stories encapsulated in a few lines has long been a tradition of the Poles and an area of literature where they've displayed exceptional expertise. Gutorow has placed himself strongly within this tradition but in the most contemporary sense."
The review praises Gutorow's collection for bringing its audience into a world that is "old, European with etched stones and yellow bicycles, with poetic boys and mysterious girls," and for Gutorow's ability to write "honestly from a very limited focus," in poems such as "Child."
A special nod is also given to BOA for composing the bi-lingual collection, which included the original Polish text alongside the English translations, and to Florczyk for his translations of "great utility," which are "flowing, in places nearly nostalgic or old-fashioned, but always in keeping with the leitmotifs of Gutorow's works."
According to Gently Read Literature, Gutorow's work is a fine stand-alone example of contemporary Polish poetry. "That is perhaps the highest praise I can offer this fine book, and when you think it over, high praise it is indeed."
Get your copy of The Folding Star and Other Poems, today.
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