Tony Leuzzi, author of forthcoming
Passwords Primeval: 20 American Poets in Their Own Words (to be released by
BOA this November), is featured today on
The Bakery Poetry blog. While
Passwords Primeval is a collection of Leuzzi's astounding interviews with prominent American poets (rather than a book of his own poetry), we're thrilled that Leuzzi is being recognized, not only for his impressive knowledge of poetry, but for his style and creativity as a poet in his own right.
Here is the featured poem:
Cadae (2)
Stones have ears
eat the exact
Arp thought and jotted
the stones have ears to eat the exact
time then
listened as a flower
opened twenty tongues
of blue to
air and canticled
its second nature naturally
until it stopped and in the silence
all petals turned to paper.
"Passwords Primeval does not pretend to fully represent the diversity of poetry written by Americans in the last 40 years. Nonetheless, a front-to-back reading of the book will demonstrate an astonishing interconnectedness, as if each voice echoes another from opposite ends of the same canyon. --TONY LEUZZI, from the Introduction