4 BOA titles featured in Library Journal’s May-Sept Poetry Round-Up
We're thrilled to have four BOA titles noted in Library Journal's May-Sept Poetry Round-Up!
The Reindeer Camps (9781934414842) “Barton Sutter uses mostly formal structure and quietly unadorned language to chronicle village life on the Canadian border and the culture of ancient Siberian reindeer herders in The Reindeer Camps”
To Keep Love Blurry (9781934414934) “Craig Morgan Teicher, a Colorado Prize for Poetry winner offers clear-eyed, blazing verse as he tracks a path from son (who lost a mother young) to husband and father in To Keep Love Blurry.”
The Folding Star: And Other Poems (9781934414880) “Polish poet Jacek Gutorow’s bilingual translated by Piotr Florczyk, captures our angst in sleek, chiseled verse (“Joy thinks I’m on its side/ when I run through a snowy field/ but death keeps its eyes open”).
The Collected Poems of Lucille Clifton 1965–2010 (9781934414903) Three individual collections stand out. Recently deceased, National Book Award and Ruth Lilly Poetry Prize winner Lucille Clifton will be honored with The Collected Poems of Lucille Clifton 1965–2010, essential for most poetry collections.
Congratulations to all our recognized authors, translator, and editors!
- Categories: BOA News