Matthew Shenoda Interviewed on Ploughshares Blog
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Adrian Matejka recently interviewed Matthew Shenoda, author of Seasons of Louts, Seasons of Bone for the Ploughshares blog, noting that it is "[t]hrough Matthew's work, we learn poetry is both about speaking up and about surviving and as long as we do these things, 'they just cannot touch us.'"
In the thought-provoking interview, Matthew's discussion with Adrian Matejka centers on the political dimensions of Matthew's writing, asking for Matthew's thoughts on the recent turmoil in Libya and Egypt as well as how the worlds of art and politics intersect. For Matthew, a "disengaged artist is of little use to society-at-large." He asks "Is it not the job of the artist to explore in all of its glory and ugliness the world which we call home and is all of what you are mentioning not a central part of that?"
You can read more from the interview on the Ploughshares blog here.

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