Wyn Cooper's Chaos is the New Calm and Keetje Kuipers' Beautiful in the Mouth were recently reviewed in the Midtown Review. These reviews compare poetry to tweets, albeit the "much more complex, resonant, and luxuriant to the ear" version of tweets or status updates, in an attempt to encourage readers to turn to p0etry in the age of shortened attention spans.
The review of Cooper's poems highlights the sonic quality of his book, which "resounds deliciously" and "lingers on the tongue." These poems are recommended as a "fine choice to begin your foray into the pleasures of poetry" that you should check out, but after you've checked your tweets, of course. The rest of the review can be read here.
How poems sound is also one of the focuses in the review of Beautiful in the Mouth, which the reviewer says is an appropriate title, as "each poem desires to be read aloud." Lines in her poems are called "sonorous and sensuous," but Kuipers' ability to "delve deeply into her subjects," which range in tone from "quick wit" to grief, is also pointed out. A few lines from this review seem to summarize Kuipers' poetic power and her place in poetry: "The place of her poems . . . is truly the embodied experience in the larger world. She douses us in imagery that we can voice in our mouths and feel under our fingers." The rest of the review can be found here.