Germanacos Talks Style, Boundaries, and Survival
The Readers Review recently posted an interview with BOA Author Anne Germanacos in which Germanacos discusses her new book In the Time of the Girls. Interviewer Mary Ellen Hannibal, who calls the book "a work you must give yourself to in order to sit with at all," asks Germanacos about her non-linear style and her themes that cross boundaries.
When questioned about the references the work makes to "drastic painful experiences that are particularly female," Germanacos responds, "None of my characters have dodged pain. To have done so would mean that they'd dodged life, and what kind of story would that be?!"
Read the full interview here The Readers Review
[caption id="attachment_957" align="alignleft" width="227" caption="Anne Germanacos. BOA fiction author."][/caption]
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