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What Poetry Reviews Are For (And Up Against)

[caption id="attachment_697" align="alignleft" width="274" caption="Craig Morgan Teicher. Journalist and BOA author. "]Craig Morgan Teicher. Journalist and BOA author. [/caption] BOA authors aren't just poets and fiction writers. They are also teachers, mentors, journalists, reviewers... and a whole bunch of other things unrelated to literature. Whether it's literary or not, we love authors who are engaged in the larger world. Getting involved with your community - whether it's on a local, national, or international scale - is the best way to effect change. The surprise result is that such engagement also deepens ones writing. Craig Morgan Teicher's new book, a collection of adult fables titled Cradle Book, will be released in May. In addition to being a stellar poet and fiction writer, Craig is active in the literary community through his journalism, reviewing, and teaching. He is the poetry editor of Publishers Weekly, a contributing editor of the literary journal Pleiades, and a Vice President on the board of the National Book Critics Circle. He also teaches at Pratt Institute and Columbia University. In short, Craig is out in the world! His latest article for Publisher's Weekly addresses an issue that publishers think about a lot. Book reviews. Every year, BOA sends out roughly 1,000 review copies of our books. So, obviously, we think they're important. But still, it's crucial to constantly appraise the situation and ask: Who publishes reviews? Who reads them? Do they sell books? Help authors? Are "good" reviews always more helpful than "bad" reviews? What do we mean by "good" and "bad" reviews anyway? Why do we love reviews so much and how do they help everyone involved? Craig tackled this complicated issue for Publishers Weekly with the help of some publishing professionals. Their answers shine light on the issue of reviews and show that, while there are no "right" answers about the usefulness of reviews, there are lots of reasons to appreciate them: Read Craig's article here [What Poetry Reviews Are For (And Up Against)]
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