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Watch Bill Moyers tribute to Lucille Clifton

[caption id="attachment_575" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Bill Moyers Journal."]Bill Moyers Journal.[/caption] The tribute to Lucille by Bill Moyers was one of the most beautiful pieces on a poet I have ever seen. Lucille's readings are powerful, playful, deadly serious, and passionate. Moyers eloquently described the impact of her work and the combination of interviews, readings, and information about Lucille's career presented a well-rounded portrait of the poet. In his introduction to the piece, Moyer's said, "The long arc of morality that bends toward justice leads not only through the courthouse and the statehouse but out on the streets and in the pages of poetry and prose. Luckily for the rest of us, there are writers who in words both beautiful and bold can express rage at injustice. But they don't stop there, they help us experience sorrow and joy through an intimate knowledge of our tempestuous human nature. We lost one of those gifted people the other day- one of our most popular poets, my friend, Lucille Clifton." You can watch the entire tribute here: [Bill Moyers Tribute to Lucille Clifton]
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