In this ambitious collection, the first North American translation by one of Romania's most important writers, Daniela Crasnaru tackles such diverse subjects as the concepts of civilization and nature, self, organized religion, totalitarian politics and the redemptive work and limitations of poetry. Sea-Level Zero is translated by Adam J. Sorkin, considered one of this country's leading translators of Romanian poetry.
Contest Image
A busload of blind
making an around-the-world tour
click click their cameras flash
focused on reality
oh, says the reality
this fat little girl
delicately clutching the hem of her skirt
curtsying gracefully
oh, repeats the jury of the unseeing
in this planetary contest
for cartoons
a prize for an image
which doesn't exist
it's OK it's great it's super
© BOA Editions, Ltd 1999
Available editions:
Cloth ISBN: 1-880238-79-9
Price: $13.50
Publishing Date: October 1999