This Number Does Not Exist received another spectacular review, this time drawing attention to author Mangalesh Dabral's ability to "fulfill the role of a poet as an observer who allows us to see the world through a new set of eyes. He takes ordinary moments or mundane objects and makes them shine in a way they've never been shown before."
Reviewer Stephen Alter of The Hindu--one of India's most prestigious newspapers--pays special attention to the themes in Dabral's poems, noting their variety. According to Alter, the "persistent sense of alienation and nostalgia for home is a constant theme in Dabral's poetry, but he also expresses an acceptance of urban life with all its challenges, conflicts, and rewards." Dabral combines a "nuanced voice of protest," with "the rational sensibility of a humanist" creating a series of poems that are able to be interpreted by all audiences.
The review concludes by stating that "This new [collection] is carefully edited and beautifully produced. The selection of verses will please admirers of Dabral's work while attracting and inspiring new readers. . . . Both in the original Hindi and in the English renditions, Mangalesh Dabral's voice remains true and honest, an eloquent cry from the mountains that echoes in the city."
Click Here to read a the full review.
This Number Does Not Exist is available now at the BOA Bookstore.