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Story366 gives REMARKABLE glowing review

Continuing in the spotlight, Dinah Cox's book Remarkable recently received a glowing review from Michael Czyzniejewski at Story366. The fiction collection is the most recently published BOA Short Fiction Prize winner. According to the review, "BOA, of course, was known for poetry for a lot of years, but since BOA is cool and fiction is cool . . . it was only a matter of time before they came around and started publishing fiction and sponsoring a rad contest."

Discussing the book's title story, Czyzniejewski notes how Cox juggles numerous plot points early on: "I love that, how many variables are tossed into the mixing bowl, most of them on the first page, the writer having to deal with all of them, having to write her way out of (or into) the chaos she’s created. I try to do this in my own writing—a basic Mike Czyzniejewski story starts with a scenario like this, at least three things going on at once—and I teach this method of narrative to my students. Cox is my kind of writer. 'Remarkable' is my kind of story."

He continues, "I'll not go into the rest of the details . . . so there's something to discover when you seek this out (which I heartily recommend) . . . I’m thrilled to have discovered this writer, yet another Story366 victory."

Click here to read the full Story366 review.

Remarkable is available now at the BOA Bookstore.

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