Heavy Feather Review recently gave Marsha de la O’s Antidote for Night a glowing review, focusing particularly on the "precarious and vulnerable nightscapes . . . where [de la O] slips her scalpel beneath the slippery patinas of Southern California, flaying away media exaggerations to reveal the beauty and the bestial.”
The review discusses in depth the style of Antidote for Night as a whole by citing the rage, generosity, love, anguish, and compassion that characterize the book.
According to reviewer Sandra Hunter, "Antidote for Night contains the pain and random savagery, the searing beauty of the external and internal world, the endurance of motherhood, the loss of children, the sad diminishment of parents—and hope. Keep this book by your bed to ensure those essentially brutal and beautiful Southern California dreams."
Click here for the full piece from Heavy Feather Review.
Antidote for Night is available now at the BOA Bookstore.