Christine Cody from
Gently Read Literature calls Anne Germanacos
In the Time of the Girls (BOA, 2010) "contemporary and timeless."
Recalling her first encounter with Germanacos, Cody says: "BOA Editions... builds stunningly gorgeous books. I can recognize their logo, a black and white rendering of Orpheus playing his lyre, from several shelves away. This sometimes is how I select books from the library—not by author, nor by title, but by beloved, trusted small press. And this is how Anne Germanacos found me. A painting by Belinda Bryce of a red dress and a tiny lamb, against a black background graces the front cover of Germanacos’ petite book. The title,
In the Time of Girls. I took Orpheus, his lyre, the dress, the lamb, the girls, and Germanacos home."
Acknowledging Germanacos' bi-coastal living, both in Greece and California, the review praises the book's knowledge of "places," and Germanacos' ability to write them "deeply."
Germanacos, with her collection inspired by Greek myth and fragment, "sparks her layered stories with poetic bits of prose ... they are floating coastal worlds, little narrative islands in a watery republic of girl ... this is Germanacos writing in Cixous' white ink.
All of these stories feel contemporary and timeless, both. Each one extends out past the page into an ether that transcends fiction, to that place where myth begins."
In the Time of the Girls is available at the
BOA Bookstore.