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Passwords Primeval: An Inspiration for Writers in the New Year

passwordsprimeval_smaller On a quest for renewed inspiration for writers in 2013, Sycamore Review is praising Tony Leuzzi's new collection of interviews Passwords Primeval: 20 American Poets in Their Own Words. As per David Blomenberg's acclaim, works like Passwords Primeval, which divulge what "other writers have found inspiring, helpful," can help fellow writers to rekindle new "energy toward their own work." Blomenberg applauds Leuzzi's fresh and lively take on interviewing: "With some interview collections, the questions can become somewhat repetitive, but Leuzzi, while touching on discussions of tone and image and revision (which are common enough), takes advantage of opportunities for the poets to reveal unusual elements or expand to enlightening discussions on others' works, or to speak on the influence that being married to a neuroscientist can have, or the surprising places one can go and find solace." The review identifies Passwords Primeval's "insights on craft, inspiration, [and] determination," but most importantly commends the interviews' perceptions of "what connects us not only to our work, but also to our world." Read the entire review. Get Passwords Primeval for yourself.
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