[caption id="attachment_1017" align="aligncenter" width="196" caption="This New & Poisonous Air. Stories by Adam McOmber."]

A Cappella Zoo recently published one of the first reviews of BOA author Adam McOmber's new collection of short stories,
This New and Poisonous Air. Among other high praise, reviewer Colin Meldrum likens McOmber's writing to Edgar Allen Poe, Angela Carter, and Phillip Pullman.
Using magic realism, historical setting, and narrative, Meldrum confirms that McOmber's "realism is in the believable, familiar settings and characters; their magic is in the subtle presence of other realms, piquing an eerie sixth sense in the reader." He recommends it to lovers of literary fiction and magic realism, and describes reading it as follows:
A journey through this collection feels like an afternoon peering over the dustiest shelves of a museum of curiosities. I felt studious, peculiar, and intrigued [...] This collection is certainly an achievement.
McOmber's prose is also lauded for the intricacy and delicacy of its storytelling, its poetic density, and his narrative and characterization skills. In particular, Meldrum admires McOmber's "delightful ability to entertain while delaying what a story is really about until its end."
To read the rest of the review, visit A Cappella Zoo's website
Adam McOmber's
This New and Poisonous Air is NOW available for purchase through BOA's online webstore [