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Diwata rises to "Pure Incantation"

In his blog A Burning Patience, Lyle Daggett writes about Barbara Jane Reyes' newest book Diwata, a collection he calls "profoundly moving."  Citing various poems as "pure incantation," Daggett reflects on Reyes' abilty to connect mythology and reality with history and culture He states, "Running through the varying times and places in the poems, and the subtly shifting voices and perspectives, I feel a consistent essential thread of storytelling, bringing knowledge to light, knowledge often obscured by the fogs of long colonization (both beyond and within the borders of the empire) but not entirely lost."      Read the full post here A Burning Patience [caption id="attachment_977" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Barbara Jane Reyes. BOA poet."]Barbara Jane Reyes. BOA poet.[/caption]
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