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Kudos for Carpathia & Blogger Considers Disclamor

[caption id="attachment_401" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="G.C. Waldreps Hat. BOA Poet Hat."]G.C. Waldreps Hat. BOA Poet Hat.[/caption] Congrats to Cecilia Woloch for having her book Carpathia named a Best Book of Poetry, 2009 by Herald de Paris: "Carpathia, Cecilia Woloch (American Poets Continuum, BOA Editions) Anyone who knows or reads Cecilia Woloch understands that travel is what makes this exotic creature tick. And indeed, through the sultry-voiced abundance of every lush line, Woloch’s subjects are laced with the backdrop of far-flung places. Like taking a year off to travel around the world with a lover (or two), Carpathia finds each day an intoxicating delight. Likewise, every poem, page after page, is a fine one." See the whole list at: [Herald de Paris] Disclamor by G.C. Waldrep continues to provoke thoughtful consideration too. Most recently Ryo Yamaguchi worked his way through the book on his blog Plots and Oaths. Here's a sample: "Second, and perhaps more importantly, is that this is the collection where Waldrep does come closest to the humanity, the pensive meditation more accessible to us, and it is useful, good, and enlightening to see him inhabit this looser, moodier territory, to attempt, at least, to bring what he’s learned in the constricted environments of his language play to the ruminations on natural, human, national and personal history and their dramas for conclusions." Read the whole blog at: [Plots and Oaths]
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